We Buy Gold Coins And Pay Top Dollar

Lots of people have tiny treasures throughout their homes. Old coins, gold coins, and precious metal trinkets might be stashed in various drawers or in you attic. When times get rough, you can cash these in and get money for your bills, groceries, or other essentials. At Houston Gold Spot Coin & Jewelry, we buy gold coins all of the time. Best of all, we always pay top dollar for the merchandise we acquire.

If you want to bring your gold coins in for an assessment, gather them up. You can even bring pieces that you aren’t quite sure of. We can tell you which items are gold-plated or not real gold at all. We offer fast, free, and fair assessments. You can also take your items to another shop for a second opinion.

Another important thing to remember is that we buy gold for its intrinsic value. Thus, we don’t compensate for sentimental value or aesthetic beauty. You should remove any stones from the gold jewelry you have to offer. When you sell precious metals, be prepared to be compensated for the weight and purity of what you’re offering, rather than any details, embellishments, or additions.

With coins, you might receive additional monies if you have a rare mint. We buy silver coins that are brand new, uncirculated, and rare. We also buy coins that are scuffed, aged, and aesthetically unappealing. The silver they contain has intrinsic value that outweighs any blemishes.

Collecting and selling coins is exciting and profitable. Whether you’re in the business of trading valuable coins and jewelry or simply need a little cash to get you through a short-term slump, we can help. Contact Houston Gold Spot Coin & Jewelry today to find out more or schedule a time to have your items valuated by one of our seasoned, in-house assessors.